Provision of various specialty OPDs with free consultation by experts.
Kayachikitsa (General Medicine)
This unit offers comprehensive management of various acute and chronic diseases and provides optimum
benefits through classical Ayurvedic regimens. The unit has earned wide popularity in successfully
treating a variety of disease condition like Neurological disorders, Skin diseases, Arthritis,
Obesity, Diabetes, Hypertension, Stress, Respiratory and Gastrointestinal disorders.
Panchakarma (Bio purification)
The Panchakarma unit provides the full range of classical Panchakarma,
Keraliya Panchakarma procedures along with allied procedures like Shirobasti,
Shirodhara, etc. which are found efficient in variety of Neurological, Musculo-skeletal
and skin disorders like Psoriasis, Eczema, Leucoderma etc. Hi-tech Panchakarma,
Arogyam Services, Week End Panchakarma Packages, and Body Rejuvenation
Packages are made available to the patients as per their requirements. Hi-tech Panchakarma
unit is well equipped with the latest technological advances and provides exclusive facilities.
Shalyatantra (Surgery)
Mainly deals with the Surgical and Para surgical procedures like
‘Ksharasutra’, ‘Viddha Chikitsa’(Venu-Puncture),
‘Agnikarma’ (Cauterization) which are found efficient in
Ano-rectal diseases [Arsha (Piles), Bhagandara
(Fistula-in-ano), Fissure], Sciatica, Arthritis, etc
Shalya Tantra
Shalya Tantra
Shalya Tantra
Shalya Tantra
Shalya Tantra
Shalakya Tantra (ENT, Ophthalmology & Oro-Dental)
This branch deals with Ayurvedic Management of various ailments related to E.N.T.,
Ophthalmology & Dentistry and offers various procedures like ‘Netra – Tarpana’,
‘Nasya’, 'Karnapoorana', etc. for maintenance of general health.
Shalkya Tantra
Shalkya Tantra
Shalkya Tantra
Prasuti Tantra & Stri- Roga (Obstetrics-Gynaecology )
This OPD aims for prevention and cure of various problems related to Gynaecology, Obstetrics and
Infertility through Ayurvedic Management. This unit is attached with fully functional operation
theatre. Special Classical procedure "PUMSAVANA VIDHI" is performed under the
guidance of experts in order to have healthier progeny.
Prasuti Tanra & Stri-Roga
Prasuti Tanra & Stri-Roga
Prasuti Tanra & Stri-Roga
Prasuti Tanra & Stri-Roga
Balaroga (Paediatrics)
This OPD offers complete Ayurvedic management for many paediatric disorders including Cerebral
palsy, Polio myelitis, Muscular dystrophy etc. The well known mass immunization programme
"SUVARNAPRASHANA" is organized by this dept on regular basis to promote the Immunity and
Intellectual abilities of the children.
This unit is serving the important purpose of advising patients individually regarding their proper life style and food habits.
These well planned instructions based on Ayurvedic principles are aimed for disease prevention, faster recovery
and an overall well being.
Indoor wards with full ambience and 24 hours individual patient care.
General ward admission along with breakfast, lunch and dinner is free for patients.
Paid accomodation in hospital provides AC & non-AC special rooms with free food facility.