
Suvarna Prashana is one of the 16 essential rituals described in Ayurveda for children. This is a process in which Suvarna (purified gold) is administered with herbs, ghee and honey in liquid or semisolid form. Suvarna Prashan can be given to age group of 0-16yrs. It can be done daily early in the morning, or at least on every Pushya Nakshatra – an auspicious day- which happens to come after every 27 days, given on this day it bestows excellent benefits.

Benefits of Suvarna Prashana:

  • Suvarna Prashana increases immunity and develops resistance against common infections, thus prevents children from falling ill very often.
  • It guards children from various allergies.
  • It builds physical strength in children and enhances physical activities, and also improves stamina for the same.
  • A regular dose of Suvarna Prashana improves child’s intellect, grasping power, sharpness, analysis power, memory recalling in an unique manner.
  • It stimulates digestive fire, improves digestion and decreases related complaints.
  • Tones up skin color.

Overall it makes child healthier, children taking Suvarna Prashana doses regularly can be easily distinguished from their outstanding physical and mental ability.

Suvarnaprashana Schedule

1 15-Jan-2025 Wednesday
2 11-Feb-2025 Tuesday
3 10-Mar-2025 Monday
4 07-Apr-2025 Monday
5 03-May-2025 Saturday
6 31-May-2025 Saturday
7 27-Jun-2025 Friday
8 25-Jul-2025 Friday
9 21-Aug-2025 Thursday
10 17-Sep-2025 Wednesday
11 14-Oct-2025 Tuesday
12 11-Nov-2025 Tuesday
13 08-Dec-2025 Monday

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