Speciality OPD


Agnikarma is the special treatment based on the principle of application of heat on the affected site especially for relieving pain. Agnikarma is a parasurgical procedure and it is superior to all parasurgical procedures. In all types of Pain especially Vataja disease like Sciatica, Heal Pain, tennis elbow. In management of corn, cervical erosion, joint pain like arthritis, cervical spondylosis, frozen shoulder. After excision of Cyst, Mass, Warts, Tumour, Piles and Fistula. Agnikarma can be done with various drugs like pipalli, godanti, madhu etc or with shalaka (rod) made of gold / silver.The procedure is simple and can be carried out at OPD level.


Raktamokshana is a procedure by which the vitiated blood is let out of the body with the help of Jalauka (leech therapy), prachhana, shringa, alabu (syringe methods). Bloodletting as a method of treatment is indicated in skin disorders, swelling, burning sensation, gout, vata diseases having severe pain elephantiasis, blood vitiated with poisons,), heaviness of the body, conjunctivitis, herpes, boils, abscess. The procedure is simple and can be carried out at OPD level.


It is one of the Panchakarma therapies in which drug formulations are administered through nostrils. This procedure can be used as a preventive as well as curative therapy. Regular use of nasya prevents ageing signs like wrinkles, premature greying of hair, balding etc. It is used as therapy in cervical spondilitis, headache, facial paralysis, hemiplegia, diseases of nose , frozen shoulder, hemi crania, coryza, sinusitis, mental disorders parkinsonism.


This unit is serving the important purpose of advising patients individually regarding their proper life style and food habits. These well planned instructions based on Ayurvedic principles are aimed for disease prevention, faster recovery and an overall well being.


Nadi Pariksha is prevelant from thousand years ago. In ancient times, it was one of the unique methods of investigation of diseases, which was used by Ayurvedic physicians. This pulse (Nadi) is also known as Dhamni Jiva Shkshni. The movement in the pulse indicates the symbol of living being.
The pulse situated at the wrist signifies the presence of life. The physician should regognize normal health and abnormal health of a person from its activities.

Prakriti Parikshana

Prakriti is the physical, mental, social and spiritual constitution of man. Prakriti means SWABHAVA or nature of the individual. Prakriti is formed by Shukra-Shonita Samyoga in the uterus (at the union time of Shukra with Shonita in the uterus) by predominance of one, two or all three doshas which is unchangeable throughout the life. Prakriti and disease both are formed by DOSHAS. Prakriti is the physiological state of Doshas while Disease s is the pathological state of Doshas. This is the reason that Charaka has explained that a person having Vataja Prakriti is generally prone to the diseases caused by Vata Dosha. Similar is also applicable in the case of Pitta and Kapha. If it becomes clear that a disease is found in a particular group of ment who is related to particular Prakriti. Then the diseases may be reduced by the preventive treatment of such types of men(persons) and it will be a great success in the field of the treatment of the disease and patient be saved or prevented from the attack of the diseases.
Method of Prakriti Pariksha:
The complete body is divided into :-

  • Physical symptoms
  • Physiological symptoms
  • Mental symptoms
  • Social symptoms

On the basis of the above mentioned symptoms present in the individuals, Prakriti of a person is determined.


This unit undertakes the beauty related issues in Ayurvedic prospect there by uplifting the moral and self confidence of the beneficiary. Ancient classical treatments like Lepa, Udvartana etc. procedures along with natural remedies are employed in this step.

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